All tutorials will take place in parallel in the afternoon of Tuesday 5th September, exact timings TBC (approx. 2pm onwards).
Tutorials can be booked during registration. If you have already registered and would like to add a tutorial, please email [email protected]
Tutorial 1: Industrial Crystallization Fundamentals
Cameron Brown1, Christos Xiouras2, Huaiyu Yang3
1. Strathclyde Institute of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, G1 1RD, United Kingdom, [email protected]
2. Crystallization Technology Unit API Development, Janssen Pharmaceutica NV, Turnhoutseweg 30, B-2340 Beerse, Belgium, [email protected]
3. Department of Chemical Engineering, Loughborough University, Leicestershire, LE11 3TU, United Kingdom, [email protected]
In this tutorial, we will provide the theoretical background on industrial crystallization fundamentals, including crystal nucleation and growth, crystallization process types, and crystal product quality aspects. Industrial crystallization involves forming a suspension of crystalline particles in a solution, followed by filtration, and drying to obtain the desired particulate product. Crystalline form, crystal size distribution, crystal shape, and crystal purity are important quality aspects that depend on crystal nucleation, crystal growth, and the type of crystallization process used (evaporative, cooling, antisolvent, and precipitation).
Primary crystal nucleation, the start of a phase transition toward the crystalline solid phase, is described by classical nucleation theory (CNT). CNT considers the energy barrier for nucleus formation and the primary crystal nucleation rate. This rate is influenced by supersaturation, interfacial energy, mixing phenomena, and the presence of heterogeneous particles. Secondary nucleation, the process of forming new crystals due to the presence of larger parent crystals, is another important process.
Once a crystal is nucleated, growth can follow different paths and involve various mechanisms, depending on the growth conditions and roughness of the surface. Growth mechanisms can include 2D nucleation and spiral growth from screw dislocations. Different growth mechanisms lead to different growth rates and crystal morphologies. Thermal and kinetic roughening can also affect growth behaviour, as can additives or impurities. Elementary growth mechanisms occur on an atomic scale and form the basis for more macroscopic modelling used in industrial applications.
To design efficient industrial crystallization operations, it is essential to understand the mechanisms and kinetics of crystal nucleation and growth, as well as the models and design techniques required to develop equipment and processes for producing high-quality products. Solid forms can vary widely, including hydrates, solvates, salts, and polymorphic forms, and product properties depend heavily on the solid form produced. Accurate prediction of species solubility and understanding of the phase diagram are crucial to ensure the correct solid form is produced. Mass and energy balances, as well as population balance equations, are vital engineering models for efficient crystallizer design. Finally, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different industrial crystallizer designs, such as batch and continuous crystallizers.
Tutorial 2: Industrial Aspects of Crystallization
Tutorial at the ISIC 2023, Glasgow, on Tuesday 5th September 2023
Dr. Elodie Verdurand, Head of Solid Technology, DSM Nutritional Products AG, Switzerland
Dr. Claudia Pudack, Director Evaporation and Crystallization Technologies, KBR, Germany
Dr. Erik Temmel, Manager R&D Crystallization, Sulzer Chemtech AG, Switzerland
Dr. Manfred Stepanski, Head Sustainable Solutions, Sulzer Chemtech AG, Switzerland
The tutorial provides an overview about crystallization in the industrial process chain from the development of process solutions to industrial practices. Topics covered include design methods, troubleshooting and optimization for crystallization processes and equipment in fine chemical, specialty & life-science and chemical industries. Case studies will demonstrate how recent developments can contribute to better performance and efficiency of integrated industrial processes.
Who should attend:
Industrial case studies are also provided, as well as new industry-relevant information, making this an ideal resource for industry experts, students, and researchers in the fields of industrial crystallization, separation processes, particle synthesis.
Industrial aspects of crystallization. Introduction; Manfred Stepanski
Melt crystallization of organic chemicals, Erik Temmel
Evaporation crystallization of inorganic chemicals, Claudia Pudack
Crystallization of fine and specialty & life-science chemicals Elodie Verdurand
Tutorial 3: Crystallization Modeling, Monitoring and Control
Organized by Dr Elena Simone
Operation and modelling of industrial crystallization processes
Dr Ashwin kumar Rajagopalan, University of Manchester
Process monitoring and model-free control
Dr Elena Simone, Politecnico di Torino
Model-based optimization and control of batch and continuous crystallization systems
Prof. Zoltan K. Nagy, Purdue University
Quality, process, control, and regulatory considerations for industrial crystallization applications
Dr Mei Lee, GSK
Modeling and optimization workshop using the CrySiV software package
Dr Botond Szilagyi, University of Budapest*
*For the Modelling and optimization workshop given by Dr Szilagyi participants are encouraged to download the free CrySiv software from the link www.crysyst.com/crysiv and to bring their own laptop for a hands-on demonstration.