Glasgow is situated on the west coast of Scotland.
Official language
The official language is English.
Currency and exchange
Great British Pound - GBP £, Sterling.
Currency can be exchanged at banks, post offices, travel agents, bureau de change kiosks and some hotels throughout the city. Credit cards are widely accepted in Glasgow and Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) or cash machines can be found throughout the city.
Glasgow is one of Scotland’s milder areas with temperatures usually higher than most places of equal latitude away from the UK, due to the warming influence of the Gulf Stream.
Winters are relatively cold, with a January mean of 4.0°C (39.2°F), though lows sometimes fall below freezing.
Spring is generally mild and very pleasant. April often has above average sunshine and many of Glasgow’s trees and plants begin to flower at this time of the year and parks and gardens are filled with spring colours.
Summer is warm and has the added benefit of 16 hours of daylight.
Autumn can feel pleasant with mild temperatures and sunny days.
Check the weather forecast before you travel.
Visa requirements
Please visit the Getting to Glasgow page for further information.
There are no hard and fast rules for tipping in Scotland. If you are happy with the service, a 10-15% tip is customary, particularly in a restaurant or café with table service. Tipping in bars is not expected. For taxi fares, tipping is at your discretion.
Telephone codes
The UK country code is 44. To call abroad, dial 00 before the country and area code.
Shops in the city centre are generally open Monday to Friday until at least 6pm and from 10am until 6pm on Saturdays and Sundays. Late night shopping is on Thursdays, with many stores open until 7pm.
Glasgow is like any other big city: it has safe areas and less safe areas, and the basic common sense rules apply.
The centre of Glasgow is very safe and you should not encounter any problems. All of the city centre and tourist areas are well policed.
Smoking is banned in all public places including all enclosed or partly-enclosed public areas.
Electricity & conversions
The standard voltage in Scotland is 240V AC, 50Hz. Plugs have 3 square pins and adapters are widely available.
Time zone
Glasgow’s time zone is Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) or one hour ahead of GMT, known as British Summer Time (BST) during daylight saving time in the summer months.
The UK drives on the left hand side of the road.
Check you can drive in the UK on the UK Government website.
It is compulsory to wear seat belts.
If travelling with your own car you must be properly insured and it is advisable to check your policy prior to your journey.
For additional information on driving in the UK, maps, travel insurance or road service, contact the Automobile Association or the RAC (Royal Automobile Club) and for up to date traffic and roadworks information see the Traffic Scotland website.
Most purchases in Britain are subject to VAT, which increases the cost of an item by 20%. This is already included in the price shown in shops.
You should arrange adequate medical insurance in advance for your visit to Scotland. Further information on healthcare in Scotland for visitors can be found on the NHS Inform website.
No vaccinations are currently required prior to visiting Scotland.
You may wish to keep up to date with covid-19 advice on the Scottish Government website.
Emergency services
In case of an emergency; police, ambulance and fire brigade can be contacted by telephoning 999.
Arriving into Glasgow
Glasgow is accessed by three airports:
Glasgow Prestwick Airport
Edinburgh Airport
Getting around Glasgow
Glasgow has excellent public transport connections, with buses, trains and the subway.
To plan your trip around Glasgow or Scotland, visit Traveline Scotland.
Tourism in Scotland
For general tourism information for Scotland, the national tourism organisation is Visit Scotland, with lots of useful information available on their website.